Psalm 100:2a--"Serve the Lord with gladness."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Introductory Video

Get to know my general passion for serving the Lord with gladness, how I've seen God work here at Gillett Baptist Church, and learn what a potential pastor (or at least this one!) is looking for in a church.  To watch this 13-minute video, click here.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sermon Video

Click here to view a video of a sermon entitled "The Fruit of the Spirit" based on Galatians 5:22-23; it was third in a four-part mini-series that I preached in May 2010 at Gillett Baptist Church in Gillett, WI.

Ministry Picture Slideshow

Click here to see a slideshow of ministry pictures from 2005 to 2010.  (The background music is "The Power of the Cross" written by Keith and Kristen Getty and performed by Will and Christy Galkin.)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Family Slideshow

Click here to view our family picture slideshow.  The background music is "Lord, Bless Our Home," written and recorded by Ron Hamilton.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sermon Audio & Video Files

I preached this sermon this past Sunday, April 2, 2010.  It was the seventh of an 8-part series on the Armor of God.  This one is about the Sword of the Spirit.  (Here is the same sermon as an audio file.)

Sermon Video

I preached this sermon June 3, 2007, at Westside Baptist Church in Eugene, Oregon.  This is the church in which I was ordained, under the leadership of Pastor Greg Kaminski.  My wife and I attended there from October 2006 to June 2007, from the time when I resigned as Associate Pastor of Central Baptist Church in Sutherlin, Oregon, until the time when my wife's teaching contract was up and we were able to move back East to be in a better position to look at potential ministries.  During that time, we were travelling over an hour each way to church each Sunday and most Wednesdays, and we were able to become involved in the church and grew to know and love many of the people there.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Affiliations & Favorite Speakers

While I have no official organizational affiliations and am committed to being part of an independent, Bible-believing church, I thought it would help you to know me better to know of some of my favorite  speakers. Being in Northeast Wisconsin has enabled me to attend many pastors’ fellowships and the annual Men’s Heart Conference at Northland International University (formerly Northland Baptist Bible College). I love the heart of Northland’s college and camp ministries—“Life Touching Life.” My family also plans to attend our second week of Family Camp at Northland this coming summer.

Some of my favorite speakers there have been Les Ollila, Matt Olson, and Sam Horn (from Northland), as well as Kevin Bauder (from Central Baptist Theological Seminary), Dave Doran (from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary), and Tim Jordan (from Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary).

I have also attended a men’s retreat at Camp Joy in Whitewater, Wisconsin, where Pastor Mike Harding (Tammy’s former pastor) spoke as well as a conference in Rockford, Illinois, which I will again be attending this May.

Special speakers I have invited to come to GBC during my time there include Steve Pettit, Jeremy Frazor, and Ben Everson.

I have also used some resources from this website started by a likeminded local pastor here in Northeast Wisconsin, and his brief description of the the lessons' doctrinal assumptions certainly suits me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Resume & Introductory Packet

These documents will give you a pretty good idea of who I am, what I believe, and how I think God desires that we function within His main organization for this era--the local church.  As in all things, I desire to serve the Lord gladly by serving others in His name.  If I can serve you better by clarifying or giving additional information regarding anything mentioned in these documents (or perhaps something you think I may have left out!) please let me know by posting a comment or e-mailing me.  Thank you!

Wagner Cover Letter
Wagner Pastoral Resume
Wagner Doctrinal Statement
Wagner Philosophy of Ministry